Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top Five Toppings for Cooked Oatmeal

Yes, this really is a posting.... I like oatmeal, but like it with different toppings! My five best are as follows: 1. Cinnamon and brown sugar. 2. Milk, organic raspberries. 3. Anykind of Jelly or Jam. 4.Honey and cinnamon. 5.Milk, apples, cloves and cinnamon. Okay, cinnamon seems to be the most popular. Guess I like that! Best of all, I like to eat! Always looking for something different to change my diet on a regular basis. Cinnamon has many great qualities, especially when it comes to healthy eating. Some even believe that it has blood sugar stabilizing qualities. Just maybe... enjoy your cooked oatmeal!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Healthy Fruit Salad

I absolutely love this fruit salad, especially with summer just around the corner. Fruit is so very nutritious and tasty also. Good flavor and good for us, can't go wrong with that thought! Eat for your health! photo from

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A great Snack!

This photo is from, thanks for sharing... Good anytime for a nutritious and fun to eat snack! Enjoy your special day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

EarthBound Cook, by Myra Goodman

This will soon be one of my new inspirations... The new book by Myra Goodman, "EarthBound Cook" a fine collection of healthy organic food recipes for now. Earthbound Farms has the best products and standards in the organic food industry. They are a leader in healthy food and lifestyle. They grow there produce the way it should be...plain and simple free from toxic chemicals. Dedicated to giving us the best produce available on Earth... the way Mother nature intended!