Friday, August 19, 2011

Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa, a must try!

Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa is a delicious blend of sweet, tart, spicy and salty... Simple and can be used on any type of meat, salads, eggs, or veggies. This is a staple in my refrigerator year round. A must try next time you are at Trader Joe's... Liked by all who taste it! Enjoy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Lemon flavor

After finding out through a routine lab test that I have low vitamin D levels I started looking for a natural approach to increasing those levels. My mother , my aunt and a good friend suggested Cod liver Oil. Not my favorite, but thought I would give it a try. I've found that I like the Carlson brand, lemon flavored variety the best. ( The lemon really helps!) It is much easier to take. The oil is high in EPA, Dha, vitamins A,D, and Omega 3 fatty acids. For me this has helped. I will continue with this form of therapy rather than pills... it is available online and retail stores in a city near you... Enjoy life always!