Friday, August 19, 2011

Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa, a must try!

Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa is a delicious blend of sweet, tart, spicy and salty... Simple and can be used on any type of meat, salads, eggs, or veggies. This is a staple in my refrigerator year round. A must try next time you are at Trader Joe's... Liked by all who taste it! Enjoy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Lemon flavor

After finding out through a routine lab test that I have low vitamin D levels I started looking for a natural approach to increasing those levels. My mother , my aunt and a good friend suggested Cod liver Oil. Not my favorite, but thought I would give it a try. I've found that I like the Carlson brand, lemon flavored variety the best. ( The lemon really helps!) It is much easier to take. The oil is high in EPA, Dha, vitamins A,D, and Omega 3 fatty acids. For me this has helped. I will continue with this form of therapy rather than pills... it is available online and retail stores in a city near you... Enjoy life always!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe

Be sure to check out this delicious old-fashioned Lemon Meringue Pie recipe... Quick and easy and superb flavor. You can find it at: Make one or two for a fabulous sunday dessert... Enjoy pie always...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Trader Joe's Fruit Frenzy Bars in Raspberry, Lemon and Strawberry

Trader Joe's hometown grocery stores have many good, interesting food and beverage products. The other day while shopping and of course looking for something sweet.... I discovered Fruit Frenzy Frozen juice bars. They are vegan, gluten free and fat free, and even use real fruit! I was delighted! These are delicious any time of day or evening. Lately I've been having one for my dessert after dinner... I look forward to that! The variety I like best is: Raspberry, Lemon and Strawberry. Very satisfying and liked by younger persons as well as us older gals...Even a good price, $1.99 per 4 bar box. In the freezer at your favorite Trader Joe's...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Langers Fruit Juices, Cranberry Berry

Okay I love all kinds of Juice, but the Langers Cranberry juices is my very favorite! On a warm summers day it is a real treat. Every morning I pour a generous amount of Cranberry-Raspberry juice into a large crystal glass.... and then I'm happy! I've tried many of the Langers varieties... all good, you will never be disappointed! Try some today... available at all major grocery stores. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Natural Products by Extreme Coupon Shopping

Imagine all these lovely natural cosmetic products for $12.72, over $ 90.00 worth... Amazing! Combining sales and coupons really does work... We tried this last week... lots of fun and great products to use... Can't beat that any day of the week! We are going to shop this way from now on... A little bit of time and organizing produced great results! Try it for yourself... enjoy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"My Plate" healthy food pyramid chart

An easy way to eat and stay healthy your entire life... eating good made simple. For more info go to: A great place to start... enjoy good food always!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Mukilteo Mudd Ice Cream"

A rich, delicious blend of four chocolates.. So smooth and ultra creamy... Made in Maltby, Washington, by Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Creams. Tried this one myself.... Yummy! Had to, with Mukilteo on the front of the label! Lots of fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Aloha Friday Eats at the Outrigger Reef on the Beach

Every friday in Honolulu, Hawaii at the famous Shore Bird restaurant, A celebration of Hawaiian food is held. Complete with traditional island music. It is called " Aloha Friday"... A fun place to be and eat... Enjoy this when you are in the islands... photo from, Hawaii magizine

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pau Hana Restaurant in Seattle's Capitol Hill area

Seattle's own Hawaiian Barbeque restaurant on Capital Hill... Looks so good and tastes good too... My always favorite from the islands... Enjoy some of this great summer food!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

LaraBars for a quick snack this summer

This is a tasty, healthy snack for the entire family this summer. We keep these in the cookie jar or our purses! They all have less than eight natural ingredients and keep the nutrition balanced all day. Lots of potassium and fiber too... A great everyday snack... Enjoy...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A salad a day, for good health!

This is one of the best ways to get proper nutrition... and so very tasty. This photo is courtesy of running a fab photo! Vegetables are loaded with all kinds of vitamin c, magnesium and the essential -- potassium. Most of us lack that in our diet. So for me I'm back on my salad days. Feel better... eat better, they go together... Have a great day eating healthy!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cupcakes for Mother's Day 2011

Wishing all the mother's worldwide a very peaceful and happy day with your children, family and friends... these come to us via Fabulous!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top Five Toppings for Cooked Oatmeal

Yes, this really is a posting.... I like oatmeal, but like it with different toppings! My five best are as follows: 1. Cinnamon and brown sugar. 2. Milk, organic raspberries. 3. Anykind of Jelly or Jam. 4.Honey and cinnamon. 5.Milk, apples, cloves and cinnamon. Okay, cinnamon seems to be the most popular. Guess I like that! Best of all, I like to eat! Always looking for something different to change my diet on a regular basis. Cinnamon has many great qualities, especially when it comes to healthy eating. Some even believe that it has blood sugar stabilizing qualities. Just maybe... enjoy your cooked oatmeal!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Healthy Fruit Salad

I absolutely love this fruit salad, especially with summer just around the corner. Fruit is so very nutritious and tasty also. Good flavor and good for us, can't go wrong with that thought! Eat for your health! photo from

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A great Snack!

This photo is from, thanks for sharing... Good anytime for a nutritious and fun to eat snack! Enjoy your special day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

EarthBound Cook, by Myra Goodman

This will soon be one of my new inspirations... The new book by Myra Goodman, "EarthBound Cook" a fine collection of healthy organic food recipes for now. Earthbound Farms has the best products and standards in the organic food industry. They are a leader in healthy food and lifestyle. They grow there produce the way it should be...plain and simple free from toxic chemicals. Dedicated to giving us the best produce available on Earth... the way Mother nature intended!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Amazing Kiwi

This amazing small fruit is packed with nutrition and tastes great also. Eat a Kiwi fruit plain, on a salad, cereal or use it for a garnish on your favorite dessert... One great fruit! Sometimes called Chinese Gooseberry, grows easily in the tropics... Wish I lived in that part of the world, just to grow Kiwis! Enjoy them when they are in from

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fruit Dessert , for Ping

This lovely fruit dessert comes to us via China... so simple and elegant, nutritious and delicious also... you will love this dessert!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chocolate Peppermint Pizzelle

Paula Deen brings us these delightful , delecate chocolate cookies, @ A great treat for all...

Organic Vegetables from Spain

This is a Spanish website discussing Organic Vegetables, you can check it out @ interesting thoughts on organic gardening...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hidden danger on fruits and vegetables

This morning I have been up early, due to the day light savings time change. I've been reading up on the dangers of Pesticide use on our fruits and vegetables. A website, has a very interesting article on the potential risks that pesticides pose on children. This is well worth the time it takes to read the article. Even in small quanities these dangerous products can potentially harm all of us. Since a recent bout with skin cancer, I have been looking carefully at my ingestion of all food products. But especially fruits and vegetables. I'm trying to purchase only organic produce and from reputable vendors. This is difficult and somewhat costly. I have made up my mind to do this... just makes good sense. I will be doing more research on this subject. Eat healthy and organic!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Organic Fuji Apples from Washington

These Organic Fuji Apples hail from Washington State. A truly great apple farm. If you want them to have shine when they are shipped, they polish the apples by hand. No wax! You can find the apples @, they are based in eastern Washington. Very good and healthy also...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pink Cake for the day

This is a lovely pink party cake from a bakery in Louisiana, perfect for that special occasion. Some people are just so creative!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pink Lamingtons

These lovely "Pink Lamingtons" are a delicious after meal treat... you can find the recipe @ Simple and so yummy if you like coconut!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zico Coconut Water

Zico Coconut Water is a new find for us. Always trying to purchase natural _vs_ chemical products we decided to give this product a try. It is now being sold in the USA under a couple of different labels. Zico is a very tasty alternative to the regular sport drinks that we use. Easy on the stomach, tasty, easy to transport, good value also. It is loaded with Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and some salt. Try it sometime, you can purchase Zico @ Trader Joes locally. We will buy this product again...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chocolate Cheesecake

We all love those yummy decadent desserts! And this one is no exception . A good dessert for all who love cheesecake and chocolate, great with a cup of specialty tea or coffee...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vegetables for everyday eating...

This is a great selection of vegetables and some fruits. Packed with mega nutrition, minerals, vitamins and great flavor also. Vegetables typically contain less calories than fruit. But do not ever skimp on your portions of fruit. Loaded with lots of good carbs that help you move throughout your day. An added bonus for a diet high in fruits and vegetables is glowing, beautiful skin. You will look radiant... and feel better too! Eat well!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chocolates by Brenda

I love Chocolate, I could and would eat chocolates for breakfast if I'd let myself... wonderful chocolate! Some say that dark chocolate is actually good for us! I agree... good for the heart!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egg Plant

Who knew? This wonderful purple vegetable was so filled with vitamins. I did not. It is good for digestion, tastes good and with anti-aging properties. Also helps the body in the fight against skin cancer. Which in itself is reason to eat lots of it! I for one will have to learn how to cook it! I have a good friend who I'm sure will share her knowledge. Like I always say, more colorful fruits and vegetables should be added to everyones diets. It is so good and healthy for us! Enjoy life!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Little cakes for special days

These lovely little cakes are so precious. Petite Fours... nice to look at and even better to eat with your favorite cup of tea! photo courtesy: Enjoy...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Classic Spritz Cookies

These ever so tasty special holiday cookies are always baked at Christmas. But what about Valentine's Day? Yes, perfect! You can add some special sprinkles,pink dough color and the special heart shape.Viola! The most beautiful cookie to look at and to eat with a special cup of coffee or tea. My nephews will eat them everyday. They simply ask Grandma, " Christmas cookie please" and of course they always smile when they say it! Who could say no! Many good recipes exist in your favorite cookie and baking book. Online, they are perhaps one of the most popular recipes in the cookie file. Check out , Betterhomes and also, Enjoy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Luau Food

This food is interesting and good. On any trip to the Hawaiian Islands one may find themselves attending a world famous Luau. Fun for the entire family. Everyone should go to at least one! Aloha! Aloha! Aloha!

Anti-Aging Salads from Dr. Oz

On the Feb. 2, 2011 broadcast of Dr.Oz's daily television program he was sharing his news on Anti Aging Foods. Very interesting and sounded like it may even taste good. His top five, were a mixture for a salad. They are: Watercress, Eggplant, blood oranges, eggplant and cucumbers. An added benefit is that it is easy to prepare. That makes it even better for me! You can find more information @ Enjoy this good food, look and feel better!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cookies and Ice Cream

These delicious "Cookies and Ice Cream" sandwiches are coming to us from Sandra Lee on the Food Network. She always has such a creative way with all the food she prepares. These are quick and easy and can be made ahead of time. Check out for all of her wonderful recipes and ideas for a simpler time in the kitchen... very creative!

Chocolate Chip

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fresh Strawberries

These are a premium organic strawberry from Florida. So beautiful! So tasty, So good!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bowl of Raspberries

When I see this lovely photo, I think of the raspberries at my mom's, Helene's and Grandma Emma's gardens. Over the years, so many large bowls of raspberries were harvested and enjoyed by all of us. So tasty and so good for us. Standing in the middle of the " Raspberry Patch' probably eating more than got put in the bowl... It brings back such fond memories of growing up in the country. Do you remember? Good times.... photo from

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

lemon cheesecake

Lemon Cheesecake is a great finish to just about any meal. From a sunday dinner, to a barbeque in midsummer. Easy to make, keeps well and enjoyed by all. Recipe can be found at A true treat to enjoy!

Fudge Cake

This is a very delicious and festive cake, loved by everyone. When I grow old, I will eat Fudge Cake for breakfast! Never thought I'd say that out loud.... smile!

Pineapple upside down cake

Pineapple upside down cake from A great comfort food cake! Around for many years and ever so popular!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jarlsberg Cheese

This is a great cheese for any occasion, cheese and crackers? My Grandmother always loved this special cheese........

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Panzanella (salad)

Summertime salads, perfect to accompany any festive barbeque... can hardly wait for these fresh vegetables to grace our table...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fresh Fruit

This is one of my favorite salads anytime, but especially in the summer. Take those ripe and sweet farmers market in season fruits and you have a salad or tray, liked by the youngsters and oldsters. Good for us and travels well also. Enjoy your day, everyday

Golden Honey bunch tomatoes

The Golden Honey bunch tomatoes are so sweet and will top off any salad with a delicious amount of pure flavor... Full of vitamins also, so good and so very healthy! Enjoy them anytime for a meal or a snack...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Valentines Day Cookies

These are delicious and wonderful... ever so delicate and pretty! Try baking them for the holiday...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Four Berry Smoothie

One of the best ways to start the day...Four Berry Smoothies. Use your very favorite 4 or 5 berries and you have a great taste... Easy to make and ever so delicious to enjoy! Healthy also for any age...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Healthy Vegetables

We are always thinking about eating healthy. Yes, we put it off, cost, time, preparation. This is a new year, new you. On my mind today, stopping health problems before they start. One way is to eat better. More fruits, vegetables and lean foods. Most are simple to prepare. I'm headed off to the kitchen to cook up a large kettle of carrots. Just good and plain, easy to digest (for me) carrots! They will accompany some already cooked chicken and yogurt. Simple.... good comfort food too! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kari's Fruit Cake

This is the best Fruitcake I have ever tasted... Sweet and robust smooth flavor! She makes this every year, and we wait to get that first taste before the holidays... her recipe is one of the best! Very moist and never dry...keeps for along time too....

Indoor Herb Gardening

Cheap, easy and fun growing herbs indoors, especially in winter. They grow well in a bright area, like the kitchen. Get the children interested also! you can grow all kinds of herbs for cooking in a short amount of time. Good information can be found @ and both have some wonderful ideas. Enjoy growing fruits, vegetables and herbs anytime!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eating Healthy Pizza

Many years ago I help pay for my college by working in a small hometown pizza/italian restaurant. It paid for the tuition. but I actually learned more working in the restaurant than attending college. ( I think) Finding a good and healthy pizza is just about impossible, but it can be done. Starting with a good and simple crust is best, then fresh tomatoes, chopped, layered with your choice of meat, thinly sliced, several types of vegetables, and dashed with a little olive oil, garlic, and topped with the best mozzerella cheese you can find, and bake in a moderate oven , till golden brown. Quite possibly our best homemade pizza ever! Can't wait to make another one of those tasty and comforting pizza pies! Try one for yourself and enjoy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kari's Gingersnap Cookies

These cookies snap, and are made with ginger and molasses... Grew up on these delicious cookies, I like to eat them with a tall glass of milk... my grandmother made them also, and my aunt called them " blue dark cookies".... good memories with these special ginger cookies! Enjoy Photo by Kari Scott.!

Kari's Lemon Meringue Pie

This is a great looking and wonderful tasting pie...My favorite always... Mom makes these for special occasions... and they disappear very fast! Simple and so very good.... The best pie ever! Photo from Kari Scott...